Choosing the Perfect Cut for Your Coat

As a coat specialist, Trench and Coat offers you a range of very diverse cuts. We have therefore decided to create a small guide, to allow you to find the one that suits you best.

For all body types and all styles

Depending on your figure and the type of clothes you usually wear, some coat cuts are more suitable than others! Don't panic, Trench & Coat advises you...

Need additional advice?

Our customer service will be happy to guide you in your choice and give you personalized recommendations.

Make sure you find the perfect coat, the one that will bring you warmth, style and confidence.

Discover our guide and find your perfect coat!

Avec Trench & Coat, soyez assurée que votre attente sera satisfaite, quelle qu'elle soit. Nous sommes là pour vous accompagner à chaque étape de votre choix. Un manteau qui répond à votre attente, c'est l'assurance d'un hiver bien au chaud avec style.